Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Management

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Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a digital engineering method employed to organise, manage, and execute significant construction initiatives. Optimally planning a project through BIM can considerably diminish unnecessary work and material wastage, leading to expedited completion times and client or end-user cost reductions.

By establishing documented processes, roles, and responsibilities, we ensure clarity among all design team members regarding their tasks, deadlines, and accountability. This organisation boosts the design team’s effectiveness and fosters better coordination and collaboration across the project.

Our offerings encompass:

  • Comprehensive BIM consultancy services.
  • Strategic planning, including the development of BIM strategies and performance goals.
  • Evaluation of BIM capabilities.
  • Guidance on BIM implementation and operational execution.
  • Management of project information.
  • Assurance of model design integrity.


Building Information Modelling (BIM) involves the inception of a multi-disciplinary 3D virtual construction model, which is used to prove out the design and interfacing of different project disciplines before construction even begins on site. The model acts as one single source of truth, used to avoid conflicting information, the sole purpose of BIM is to resolve inefficiencies that have existed in the construction industry for many years.

The 3D BIMs produced, not only contain 3D geometry but are rich in data that is used to influence decisions during the construction stage of the project. As the project develops more and more data is added to produce a digital virtual twin containing facilities management information that can be used to operation of the building on final handover.


3D Models from each discipline are assembled into a master federated model, this model is used as a visual tool to review the engineered solutions for compliance with the employer’s information requirements. Besides visual inspection, digital tools allow the model to be analysed using rule-based software, for clash detection and to identify areas of the model that are non-compliant with the project scope. The ability to interrogate models in this manner, allows potential issues to be raised.

Each discipline regularly upload revised models to a cloud based Common Data Environment at times agreed in the Project BIM Execution Plan, This allows the design to develop in-line with latest information and mitigates risk when commencing work on site.

This method of working is known as “OpenBIM”, where each discipline of the design team works with a universal format that can be exchanged/shared between all design team members.

BIM models contain vast amounts of data that can be used for the whole life cycle of the project, for planning, design, construction and operation. During the design and construction stages, this data is used to analyse the progress of the project at each of the milestone markers:

4D – Timeline Analysis allows the construction time sequence to be simulated to optimise the installation.

5D – Cost Analysis allows for material take-off and budget cost analysis to take place ensuring the project proceeds within budget.

6D – Sustainable Design tools allow the proposed design to be simulated in a virtual environment to ensure the most efficient design has been produced for the facility.

7D – Facilities Management Data may reviewed to ensure that proposed equipment meets with client approval and that all equipment has been included.

What is ISO 19650?

The ISO 19650 standard is an international standard for managing information over the whole life cycle of a built asset using building information modelling (BIM). At Enginova, we are adept with the understanding and execution of this standard, in particular to the following:

ISO 19650-1: Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling — Information management using building information modelling: Concepts and principles.

ISO 19650-2: Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling — Information management using building information modelling: Delivery phase of the assets.

Our Expertise

  • Verification of construction progress

  • BIM Collaboration and Clash detection

  • BIM Design and onsite management

  • Point Cloud Laser scanning

  • Visualisation modelling during planning process

  • BIM audits and gap analysis of projects.

  • BIM Workshop management.